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Social Work England : Consultation on the Continual Professional Development (CPD) Standards

Social Work England : Consultation on the Continual Professional Development (CPD) Standards

Many of you who are on the Social Work England registered will have recorded and reflected on your CPD over the past year, and should be well underway in doing the same this year.

During the first year of their regulation of social work in England, they specified a minimum requirement of at least one piece of CPD, although they recommended recording at least 4 times per year.

On the website there are 2 versions of the template to record your CPD, some found the unstructured form easier to use.

They have also produced guidance for registrants who are not in direct front line practice, or currently not working.

As part of a series of reviews they are undertaking, Social Work England are carrying out a consultation on the CPD standards.

They are seeking views on the following :

  • An increase in the number of CPD entries from 1 to 2
  • Setting broad themes for CPD
  • The proposed template for recording
  • Social workers speaking with a registered social work peer as part of their CPD
  • Changes to validation
  • Measuring the impact

To take part in the consultation  click on this link, the survey closes 5pm , August 11.

At Chinara Enterprises we have a plethora of resources and affordable, flexible CPD to help social workers meet Social Work England’s requirement.

Free events for our members.

We have some free bite sized 30 minute sessions for our members coming up. You can RSVP to these events if you are logged in as a member on the learning and development platform on this site.

The free 30 minute bite sized events we have coming up are:

Shefali Shah , Director of Kingsley Knight Training will be sharing 5 key legal takeaways from her recent publication A Child’s Legal Journey through care and the importance for social care professionals to keep up to date with the law.10/6/21 : 6pm-6.30

Subscribers to the site can get a special offer on the book, click on the event for more details

Developing Self Confidence : 30/6/21

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right” Henry Ford

In this short taster session we will consider how our thinking patterns can impact on our self-confidence. And we will explore some of the confidence building tips and techniques that will enable you to take more control of your life.

If you are not a paid or registered member and would like to join, then contact us for more information, or visit our membership information on the site

Support to maintain your personal and professional development

We have a great range of learning and development events taking place over the next few months.

Group  reflective supervision sessions for adults:  27th May for adults social workers 

Understanding stress, pressure and burnout: June 1st 

Group reflective supervision for child and family social workers: 9th June 

Click on the latest events section of the website to see details of other events and to book your place.

To access the discounted rate for the events you will need to be logged in as a member. If you are not a member and would like to join, then sign up on the membership page

Time for a Spring clean, with a fresh start !

Time for a Spring clean, with a fresh start !

Spring is here and we are slowly coming out of lockdown !

A lot of people use this time of year to do a bit of a spring clean, I often wander where the term “spring clean” originates from.

On Wikipedia, they state that some researchers trace the origins of spring cleaning to the Persian new year, which falls on the first day of spring. This practice still continues today, with the house being thoroughly cleaned just before the new year.

The spring for some  also is a time of new beginnings. maybe a new job, new home, refurbished home.

Over the past year I have spoken with many social workers who feel stuck in terms of their career, and not sure what direction they want to travel. Some end up doing a job because that they don’t really enjoy, and then find themselves stuck and not sure how to get the job they really want and enjoy.

I have used what I call a personal life map, and mapped out all the things that I have done both as a career and voluntary work, and reflected on where my journey has taken me.  I have always found a common thread, of something that is always a feature in my life, this may be in my paid work or voluntary work.

I used that life map to help inform what I am doing now for my career, which is about developing people.

Spring is a good time for you to think about your own personal and professional goals.

Our personal development plan template in our useful resources, may assist you in personal goal setting, and making sure you keep on  track. If you are a member you can access these resources for free.

We also have some great CPD events taking place this month, which will assist you further.

Are you feeling stuck?

Why not book a session with one of our coaching team, to help you explore your goals.

Are you maintaining the CPD requirements for Social Work England?

To help you continue to meet the requirements of Social Work England, we have some great events taking place, in addition to useful tools and resources.

We have a briefing on the Liberty Protection Safeguards, with one of the UK leading lawyers on the new legislation.  Tim Spencer Lane has been involved in the implementation of the new legislation and the guidance.

This is an amazing opportunity to engage with one of the UK’s leading experts.

As a member you get a discount on all of our events.

To access the discounted rate, you will need to be logged in and enter your email.

If you are not a member and would like to join, then sign up on the membership page.

I am hosting another CPD masterclass on how to meet the CPD requirements for Social Work England, taking place on Tuesday 4th May. This event is free to members, just log in using your email and enter your access code. Non members can access this event for £10 + VAT

Click on the latest events section of the website to see details of all the up coming  events and to book your place.

Free learning and development event for social workers

Free learning and development event for social workers

Come and join us at our free event and take a tour of our learning and development platform, and learn about how we can support you with your professional development, and in maintaining your Social Work England registration.

We are holding a free event for members and guests  on Tuesday 23 March 6 pm- 7 pm to celebrate our recent accreditation, as well as to take you through a tour of our learning and development platform and member benefits.

We will also have a representative from the Golden Blues to talk about their offer for members.

Book your place, and bring your own drinks and snacks !

We would also like to hear from you about what else you would like to see on the site. What other CPD needs do you have?

Click on the latest events section of the website to see details of other events and to book your place.

To access the discounted rate, you will need to use your invitation code you were given when you received the information to join.

We look forward to seeing you !

World Social Work Day

World Social Work Day

Happy World Social Work Day 2021 !

Tell us what you are doing to celebrate it, tweet us @chinara1 with the #worldsocialworkday with your message or image.

The theme this year is Ubuntu  ” I am Because We are – Strengthening Social Solidarity and Global Connectedness ”

This theme resonates with me for so many reasons at this time, given the challenges we are facing with regards to the pandemic, our physical and mental well being, and the injustices we are seeing all over the world.

Over this past year, I have had many conversations since the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and in the past week the interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex with Oprah Winfrey about racism and institutional racism.

These conversations have sadly shown me that we still have a long way to go, I am seeing a worrying rise in the increase of right wing views expressed in full view of the world, in all forms of media, giving rise to an increase in online and offline hate crime and bullying.

I am seeing more people and organisations reflecting on their own values, and practice within their own organisation.  I have also seen an increase in diversity in all forms of media, as a result of a sudden realisation of the importance of reflecting a more accurate portrayal of society.  Maybe companies have realised that they are not reaching out to diverse audiences or maybe the worldwide reaction to the recent events have made them reflect.

I have been involved in either delivering or developing  diversity training for over 30 years, and I often question the impact of diversity training, although years ago it was called race awareness, with more of a focus of learning about other cultures and what racism is, as opposed to encouraging participants to reflect on their own unconscious bias.

In the 1970’s s we saw the emergence of Black Identity theories such as Cross 1971, and in the 1990’s a rise in Black Identity training,in the wake of research  into the impact of transracial adoption, a common practice in the 1960’s and 1970’s.

Fast forward 30 plus years, we now have Cultural Competency or Unconscious Bias training , which encourages us to reflect on our own values, and develop positive attitudes towards cultural differences, and gaining knowledge about different cultures  to enable us to understand more about different cultures and their experiences, to help build better relationship. It also encourages us to reflect on any unconscious bias we may have towards others.

The variations of culture or diversity training all have the same aim, which is to enable people to understand the constructs of racism and discrimination, to encourage reflection on one’s values and perceptions, with the aim of hopefully one day achieving  equality for all, an end to discrimination and racism as well as other forms of oppression.

So has it made a difference? 

The Home Office published a report in 2018, which showed in the years 2017/18 there were over 94, 000 hate crimes recorded by  Police in England and Wales, an increase of over 17% from the previous year. In  2019 that figure increased to over 97, 000 and in March 2020 there were over 105, 000 hate crimes reported.

As you can see that despite all legislation we have in place and all the training in place, we are seeing an increase year on year.

So what needs to change?

There needs to be personal as well as organisational shift. Its not enough just to have an equality and diversity policy, or mandatory equality and diversity training, that is merely a tick box exercise, when your organisation is not reflective of diversity at all levels, and your services do not meet the needs of diverse groups and staff are still experiencing inequality and discrimination.

Having celebrations in Black History month, or LGBT month and doing nothing the rest of the year, won’t have the same impact as having something that is integral in all of your celebrations and events, all year round.

When you go on training, do you reflect on what you need to do differently? Do you reflect on your own values and perceptions?

If we want to bring about any form of sustainable and long lasting change, we need to start with self. We need to value the diversity of other cultures, of people from different backgrounds, ages, genders, ability and disability, and show it in our actions.

Creating that domino effect, wherein you model the behaviour you want to see in others is one way in which we can bring about this change.

I would love to hear your own thoughts on the theme. Follow us on Twitter or on Facebook Chinara Enterprises and leave your views.

I also want to take the time to say a personal thank you to all social workers who have worked through one of the most challenging times during the past year, putting yourselves at risk to ensure that there is a service for all who need it during the pandemic.

We see a lot of claps for the NHS, who I know have found it equally if not more challenging during this time, and with very little reward.

Be proud of what you have achieved, I know I am proud of my contribution to social work, and feel very lucky to be doing something that I enjoy.

I shall be sharing my social work journey next week as part of our first free members event, as well as providing a guided tour of the new platform.

I hope to see you there !

CPD events 

If you are in one of our members areas, you will benefit from discounted rates on all of our courses.

You can also access discounted rates for Making Research Count (MRC) events.  A gentle reminder that you can only access the special rate for MRC events through this link, you will pay more if you book direct with MRC, so please do not email MRC to book.

Click on the latest events section of the website to see details of other events and to book your place.

To access the discounted rate, you will need to use your invitation code you were given when you received the information to join.

If you do not remember your invitation code, then please get in touch.

CPD hot topic !

We are really pleased to be launching an important seminar on the Liberty Protection Safeguards.

This is an essential briefing to gain an insight into the key legislative changes regarding mental capacity.

We have one of the leading lawyers Tim Spencer Lane,  speaking at this seminar, with a Q and A.

Date: Tuesday 20th April  2021

Time: 6pm-7.30 pm

In July 2018, the government published a Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill, which passed into law in May 2019. It replaces the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) with a scheme known as the Liberty Protection Safeguards

This seminar will provide an overview of the following:

Background to the LPS – why they were introduced and key principles
What types of arrangements can be authorised and by whom?
The authorisation process
The key safeguards – including rights to advocacy and the Court of Protection
Other features of the LPS – including interim authorisations and the Mental Health Act interface
Next steps – the public consultation on the Code and regs, and transitional arrangements

Facilitator: Tim Spencer Lane

Tim is a lawyer who specialises in mental capacity, mental health, and social care law. He works for the Government Legal Department (Department of Health and Social Care) where he advises on mental capacity and mental health law.

At the Law Commission, Tim led the review of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards under the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

The fee is £20 + VAT for non members

£15 + VAT for members

Click here to book

To receive updates on our events and offers, please subscribe or checkout our membership offer


Chinara Enterprises launches brand new learning and development portal

Chinara Enterprises launches brand new learning and development portal

At long last we are proud to be launching our brand new website and learning and development platform !

So what’s new?

We wanted to improve the user experience on the platform, so if you want to find something on the site, we have a new search function where you can type in the item you are looking for, and it brings up your search results.

Events page with  discounted rates for members

We have built our own online event platform, so you can buy direct from our website without paying the extra booking fees you incur from other sites such as Eventbrite, giving you more choice on how you book.

All purchases are made through our secure online payment system and you can also cancel tickets if you need to.

Click on the latest events section of the website to see details of other events and to book your place.

To access the discounted rate, you will need to enter the email you log in with and enter a discount code issued to members. The code can only be used by each member, once per event

The discounts do not apply to any of the MRC events, as they are already discounted. If you are not in one of our members areas this code will not work.

We are pleased to be working in partnership with the Making Research Count Team, part  of King’s College London, to bring you exclusive access to their open programme of events.   You can only access this rate if you book through our events page or on Eventbrite

Free members events

Throughout the year we will be hosting free events for members on a range of topics.  If you have any suggestions for a topic or would like to facilitate  a session get in touch share your skills and knowledge.

Brand new membership portal

If you are already a member in one  of our learners areas such as Return to Social Work or Social Work Together Essentials, you are given free access to the learning and development resources and discounted rates for our events and services.

Access to useful resources

In the resources section some of the free content is restricted to members only, to access locked content you will need to be logged into the site.

Free access to the Golden Blues 

The Golden Blues is a broker who are able to negotiate special offers on a range of insurance and financial products. For example through the Golden Blues I was able to access private healthcare , and i receive regular rewards that sometimes cover the cost of my monthly premium ! So I end up getting  free private healthcare.

Unlimited access to free e learning

We are creating more e learning courses for you to access.

Discounted rates on 1-1 services.

For example on coaching, mentoring or reflective supervision

CPD hot topic !

We are really pleased to be launching an important seminar on the Liberty Protection Safeguards.

This is an essential briefing to gain an insight into the key legislative changes regarding mental capacity.

We have one of the leading lawyers Tim Spencer Lane,  speaking at this seminar, with a Q and A.

Date: Tuesday 20th April 2021

Time: 6pm-7.30 pm

In July 2018, the government published a Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill, which passed into law in May 2019. It replaces the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) with a scheme known as the Liberty Protection Safeguards 

This seminar will provide an overview of the following:

  • Background to the LPS – why they were introduced and key principles
  • What types of arrangements can be authorised and by whom?
  • The authorisation process
  • The key safeguards – including rights to advocacy and the Court of Protection
  • Other features of the LPS – including interim authorisations and the Mental Health Act interface
  • Next steps – the public consultation on the Code and regs, and transitional arrangements

Facilitator: Tim Spencer Lane

Tim is a lawyer who specialises in mental capacity, mental health, and social care law. He works for the Government Legal Department (Department of Health and Social Care) where he advises on mental capacity and mental health law.

At the Law Commission, Tim led the review of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. 

The fee is £25 + VAT for non members

£15 + VAT for members

Click here to book

The website also has information about our business services for organisations, read more about what we offer and some of our achievements.

We hope that you will find the website refreshing, and if there is anything you would like to see then  email us info@chinaraenterprises.com

We look forward to seeing you at one of our events very soon !