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Decision Making Within A Childs Timeframe

Decision Making Within A Childs Timeframe

An overview of current research evidence for family justice professionals concerning child development and the impact of maltreatment.


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Decision Making Within A Childs Timeframe

Childrens Social Care Reform

The following document produced by the Department (2016) for education covers children’s social care reform.


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Decision Making Within A Childs Timeframe

Childrens Needs Parenting Capacity

Pdf Book, Children’s Needs – Parenting Capacity by Hedy Cleaver, Ira Unell& Jane Aldgate. 2nd edition.

Child abuse: Parental mental illness, learning disability, substance misuse, and domestic violence.

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Decision Making Within A Childs Timeframe

Child Family Practitioners Understanding of Child Development Report DFE-RR110

Child and family practitioners report on understanding child development through lessons learnt from a small sample of serious case reviews.


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Strengths based social work with adults

Strengths based social work with adults

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