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Supporting the participation of children and young people experiencing extra vulnerabilities

Supporting the participation of children and young people experiencing extra vulnerabilities

Supporting the participation of children and young people experiencing extra vulnerabilities

This toolkit aims to increase the participation of children, young people and families who face marginalisation and barriers within the mental health system.

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Supporting the participation of children and young people experiencing extra vulnerabilities

Co-creating participation tools with children within child protection services

Co-creating participation tools with children within child protection services: What lessons we can learn from the children. Children, with the help of an industrial designer, developed several tools that they believe can facilitate participation in family meetings.

Ganna G van Bijleveld, Marjonneke de Vetten and Christine WM Dedding (2020)

Click link to download your copy 

Supporting the participation of children and young people experiencing extra vulnerabilities

Defensible decision-making in children’s social care – CPD Guide

Defensible decision-making in children’s social care – CPD Guide: Practice Guide . Domakin A. (2022).

This open-access CPD Guide has been written for any member of staff who has a responsibility for training and development within children’s social care organisations (for example, workforce development leads or Principal Social Workers).

Click link to download your copy