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Time for a Spring clean, with a fresh start !

Spring is here and we are slowly coming out of lockdown !

A lot of people use this time of year to do a bit of a spring clean, I often wander where the term “spring clean” originates from.

On Wikipedia, they state that some researchers trace the origins of spring cleaning to the Persian new year, which falls on the first day of spring. This practice still continues today, with the house being thoroughly cleaned just before the new year.

The spring for some  also is a time of new beginnings. maybe a new job, new home, refurbished home.

Over the past year I have spoken with many social workers who feel stuck in terms of their career, and not sure what direction they want to travel. Some end up doing a job because that they don’t really enjoy, and then find themselves stuck and not sure how to get the job they really want and enjoy.

I have used what I call a personal life map, and mapped out all the things that I have done both as a career and voluntary work, and reflected on where my journey has taken me.  I have always found a common thread, of something that is always a feature in my life, this may be in my paid work or voluntary work.

I used that life map to help inform what I am doing now for my career, which is about developing people.

Spring is a good time for you to think about your own personal and professional goals.

Our personal development plan template in our useful resources, may assist you in personal goal setting, and making sure you keep on  track. If you are a member you can access these resources for free.

We also have some great CPD events taking place this month, which will assist you further.

Are you feeling stuck?

Why not book a session with one of our coaching team, to help you explore your goals.

Are you maintaining the CPD requirements for Social Work England?

To help you continue to meet the requirements of Social Work England, we have some great events taking place, in addition to useful tools and resources.

We have a briefing on the Liberty Protection Safeguards, with one of the UK leading lawyers on the new legislation.  Tim Spencer Lane has been involved in the implementation of the new legislation and the guidance.

This is an amazing opportunity to engage with one of the UK’s leading experts.

As a member you get a discount on all of our events.

To access the discounted rate, you will need to be logged in and enter your email.

If you are not a member and would like to join, then sign up on the membership page.

I am hosting another CPD masterclass on how to meet the CPD requirements for Social Work England, taking place on Tuesday 4th May. This event is free to members, just log in using your email and enter your access code. Non members can access this event for £10 + VAT

Click on the latest events section of the website to see details of all the up coming  events and to book your place.