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Social Work England : Consultation on the Continual Professional Development (CPD) Standards

Many of you who are on the Social Work England registered will have recorded and reflected on your CPD over the past year, and should be well underway in doing the same this year.

During the first year of their regulation of social work in England, they specified a minimum requirement of at least one piece of CPD, although they recommended recording at least 4 times per year.

On the website there are 2 versions of the template to record your CPD, some found the unstructured form easier to use.

They have also produced guidance for registrants who are not in direct front line practice, or currently not working.

As part of a series of reviews they are undertaking, Social Work England are carrying out a consultation on the CPD standards.

They are seeking views on the following :

  • An increase in the number of CPD entries from 1 to 2
  • Setting broad themes for CPD
  • The proposed template for recording
  • Social workers speaking with a registered social work peer as part of their CPD
  • Changes to validation
  • Measuring the impact

To take part in the consultation  click on this link, the survey closes 5pm , August 11.

At Chinara Enterprises we have a plethora of resources and affordable, flexible CPD to help social workers meet Social Work England’s requirement.

Free events for our members.

We have some free bite sized 30 minute sessions for our members coming up. You can RSVP to these events if you are logged in as a member on the learning and development platform on this site.

The free 30 minute bite sized events we have coming up are:

Shefali Shah , Director of Kingsley Knight Training will be sharing 5 key legal takeaways from her recent publication A Child’s Legal Journey through care and the importance for social care professionals to keep up to date with the law.10/6/21 : 6pm-6.30

Subscribers to the site can get a special offer on the book, click on the event for more details

Developing Self Confidence : 30/6/21

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right” Henry Ford

In this short taster session we will consider how our thinking patterns can impact on our self-confidence. And we will explore some of the confidence building tips and techniques that will enable you to take more control of your life.

If you are not a paid or registered member and would like to join, then contact us for more information, or visit our membership information on the site

Support to maintain your personal and professional development

We have a great range of learning and development events taking place over the next few months.

Group  reflective supervision sessions for adults:  27th May for adults social workers 

Understanding stress, pressure and burnout: June 1st 

Group reflective supervision for child and family social workers: 9th June 

Click on the latest events section of the website to see details of other events and to book your place.

To access the discounted rate for the events you will need to be logged in as a member. If you are not a member and would like to join, then sign up on the membership page