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Recording and reflecting on your learning and development for Social Work renewal

Its Social Work England registration renewal  time from 1st September 2023

Social Workers in England are required by law to undertake, reflect and record on a minimum of 2 pieces of CPD as part of registration renewal, one of which must include reflection with a peer. If you have not yet completed this, then we are hosting a webinar and peer reflection  event on  26th September 2023 6pm-7.30 pm online

The event is free if you are subscribed to our learning and development portals, and when you are logged in you will see options to get a free ticket
Non members the fee is £6.00 ( inclusive of VAT)

If you take out membership after this event, you can get a refund on  your first 12 months of membership to our learning and development portal.

To book your place visit the event page 
The link will be sent out on before the event.

A reminder of the guidance given :

Remember the top tips from the CPD sessions we have delivered:

  1. Consider CPD more widely: CPD is not just about courses, or e learning
  2. Make an appointment with yourself: What day will you set aside over the next few days to upload your CPD and renew?
  3. A peer can include another social worker, your manager, or a professional who has a good understanding of social work.

Social Work England also has some useful guidance on meeting the CPD requirements

If you are a member on any of our learning and development pages, you can access free resources and e learning, as well as access tools to support you with your CPD.

Not a member yet? then join now, and access tools, free and discounted CPD to support you with your personal and professional development