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Practice Educator Chinara Enterprises Associate, Author

Tosin is Social Work England registered as an experienced social worker who has over ten years post qualifying experience, she brings a wealth of frontline child and family social work experience to the team.

Tosin has worked as a frontline social worker and has experience within several fields such as fields of Children protection, Mental health, Leaving and After care, Fostering, Child sexual exploitation and Asylum seeking. Tosin is also a practice educator with experience of assessing Social Work students.

Tosin has also worked for children’s charities whereby her role included advocacy, socio-educative work with the carers/parents of children who have been affected by sexual abuse.

To get the best experience please view this course on PC, Laptop or Tablets

Course Overview

This is a refresher course to develop your awareness and understanding of Safeguarding children and young people. It will provide an overview of some of the essential information to support you in keeping children and young people safe.


Learning outcomes

  • To develop an understanding of safeguarding thresholds, legislation and guidance.
  • To understand your responsibilities with regards to safeguarding.
  • Exploration of abuse: Neglect, Sexual abuse, Physical abuse, and Emotional abuse.
  • Response: what you should do if you suspect a child is being abused or if they disclose information.
  • Covid-19 Legislation and impact on practice.

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